Where is Kerns Trucking Creating 136 New Jobs?


Kerns Trucking is locating headquarters in Right to Work Cherokee County, South Carolina. To be more specific, they will be locating to Carolina Foothill Park of Commerce. In order to cover the cost, they are investing a total of $7.9 million toward this project. This entire project should be complete soon, by the end of the year. And, they also plan to create 136 new jobs here! So that means these jobs are coming soon and will be a great addition to the economy!

From Area Development Magazine:

“We would like to thank Cherokee County and the state of South Carolina for their partnership in our current and future success. Kerns Trucking, Inc. plans to invest in Cherokee County with the same professionalism and enthusiasm that has been shown to us. We look forward to growing together in this corporate expansion with South Carolina, Cherokee County and its citizens for many years to come.†[…]

“Kerns Trucking, Inc.’s decision to locate in Cherokee County is another sign that companies realize South Carolina has a business-friendly climate that will help them succeed. We congratulate Kerns Trucking, Inc. on this announcement and look forward to supporting their growth for years to come.†


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