Where will Republic National Distribution Co (RNDC) Relocate to?


Republic National Distributing Co (RNDC) is a company that distributes high-quality alcohol. They will soon be relocating to Right to Work Louisville, Kentucky. There’s no doubt that this state’s Right to Work laws were a major factor when choosing the ideal location. In order to make this move, they are investing a total of $50 million toward the project. And with the new Right to Work benefits, it’ll be easier for the business to grow and create new jobs.

From Area Development Magazine:

“RNDC markets and distributes over 9,000 unique wine and spirits products to bars, restaurants, hotels and liquor package stores in every corner of the commonwealth. […] The company is also a significant contributor to Kentucky’s thriving bourbon industry, representing established brands including Buffalo Trace, Eagle Rare, Michter’s, Old Forester and Woodford Reserve, in addition to new Kentucky craft brands like Bardstown Bourbon, Castle & Key, New Riff and Peerless Bourbon. The […] investment in the new building demonstrates our ongoing commitment to growing our business in Kentucky.†[…]

“Investment in quality jobs for Kentucky residents is key to our state’s continued growth. […] Wholesalers such as RNDC have a significant economic impact in Kentucky and provide well-paying, stable jobs. While RNDC’s continued growth is good for the commonwealth’s bottom line, the company also provides a key link for our thriving bourbon and spirits industry to safely and efficiently reach consumers.â€


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