NILRR Newsclips 12 30 2011

What Iowans are getting in the mail CBS News 12/28/2011 The National Right to Work Committee, which bills itself as a nonpartisan organization opposed to labor unions, sent a letter…

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NILRR Newsclips 12 27 2011

Union Monopoly Bargaining Harms Millions of American Workers National Institute for Labor Relations Research,, 12/22/2011 Apologists for compulsory unionism often suggest, with little or no evidence, that employees who…

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NILRR Newsclips 12 19 2011

Airlines fail to overturn obama Rule on Union Elections Bloomberg Online, 12/19/2011 The U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington today, upholding a lower court decision, said that the National Mediation…

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NILRR Newsclips 12 08 2011

Foundation Client Allegedly Harassed for Criticizing ‘Sour Grapes’ Recall Movement on Gov. Walker Fox News 12/06/2011 KRISTI LACROIX, TEACHER: I’m not big on recalls, and I think that at this…

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NILRR Newsclips 12 05 2011

KNIGHT: Free speech? Put a plate on it Washington Times Online, 12/02/2011 In Virginia, the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) offers an AFL-CIO plate with the slogan “Union Labor,” but…

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