Court Bars WalMart Union Agitators

Jason Hart, Ohio Watchdog, examines how WalMart obtained an injunction against union officials and paid agitators from demonstating in their stores, disrupting legitimate business. Hart also comments on other news…

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NILRR Clips December 05, 2014

Union Organizers, Not Actual Employees, Turn Out for Walmart Black Friday Protests My Freedom Foundation Online, December 3, 2014 Many of the same individuals appear repeatedly in the photos. All…

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Wisconsin: 25th Right to Work State?

Chris Kapenga, of Delafield, Wisconsin, is set to introduce a Right to Work when the legislature convenes in January. Todd Richmond has the story on Fox News.   A Republican…

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Does AFL-CIO Speak for Its Members?

The Laborers International Union ofNorth America (LIUNA) officials and union members currently find themselves at odds with its parent federation, the AFL-CIO, the largest federation of unions in the country.…

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