Big Labor Representation Without Benefit

A red stamp that says bad deal and the words " big labor representation without benefit ".

Can Big Labor Representation That Cuts Your Pay Really Be a Benefit? Even Pro-Forced Unionism California Attorney General and U.S. Senate Candidate Kamala Harris Admits Labor Laws Give Union Bosses ‘Substantial Latitude to Advance Bargaining Positions’ That Hurt Talented Employees (Click Download and Share this Fact Sheet) The two sides in Friedrichs v. California Teachers…

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Faster Growth in Right To Work States Benefits

Right To Work States Benefit from Faster Growth, Higher Real Purchasing Power — Summer 2016 Update (click here to download and share the Right To Work States Benefit from Faster Growth, Higher Real Purchasing Power Fact Sheet) * The term “Tax Freedom Day,” was coined and popularized by the nonpartisan, Washington, D.C. -based Tax Foundation.…

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Union Militants Chortle about Justice Scalia’s Death

A black and white photo of ted strickland

Union bosses love collecting forced union dues and fees from employees, and loathe people who get in their way, or even signal they might get in the way. That’s why, a few days ago, a crowd of Ohio AFL-CIO officials and militants applauded the fact that a distinguished jurist’s death had “saved” government union bosses…

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