NILRR Right to Work News December 29, 2017

A man with a beard and glasses wearing a suit

Right-to-work attorney challenging SEIU 1000 dues collection Jackson Observer Online, December 27, 2017 A right-to-work attorney acknowledged in court on Monday that he’s trying to “change the law” with a…

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Pensions in Critical Status (2017)

A black and white photo of graphs and charts.

December 21, 2018 by NILRR Staff (Edit) Critical, Critical and Declining, Endangered and WRERA Status Notices 2017 Critical and Declining Status Pensions Critical Status Pension Notices Endangered Status Pension Notices —— Under Federal…

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NILRR Right to Work News

A close up of the head and shoulders of a person

‘Hoosiers’ Real Purchasing Power Has Increased More Rapidly’, December 6, 2017 by Stan Greer By 2016, the annual average cost of living in Right to Work Indiana was 24.9…

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NILRR Right to Work News

A woman holding a scale and blindfold in front of her face.

Worker Files Opening Brief in Janus v. AFSCME Supreme Court Case Seeking to Strike Down Forced Union Fees National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation, November 29, 2017 Today, attorneys…

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