Big Labor the Number One Special Interest Spent $2 Billion on Elections

To the tune of $2 Billion, Big Labor Bosses used money, primarily from forced-dues union treasuries in their control, to influence the 2017-2018 Elections. Big Labor’s 2018 Election Cycle by the Numbers Union Treasury Self-Reported “Political” Disbursements (Source: U.S. Department of Labor) — $1,369,936,480 Total Disclosed Federal Union PACs (Source: — $58,217,310 Total Disclosed…

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Analysis: Big Labor Political Spending Topped $2 Billion on 2018 Election Cycle

Union federal disclosure reports show over $1.3 billion spent on “political and lobbying activities” from forced dues-funded union treasuries in 2017-18 (Washington, DC) – The National Institute for Labor Relations Research (NILRR) has released a new analysis of publicly available union political spending data during the 2017-2018 election cycle, finding record levels of spending compared…

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Big Labor Boss-Controlled States May Soon ‘Run Out of Money’

A couple of people sitting on top of a wooden bench.

An op-ed recently published by CNS News documents the link between special legal privileges for union officials and public-sector insolvency.  All of the six states with the greatest per capita government pension liability foist forced union dues and fees on employees, but all of the nine states with the lowest per capita pension liability are Right…

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Corralling Workers Into Unions Is No Rx For Poverty

A close up of the word medicaid on paper

Recently, the Administration for Children and Families (ACF), a division of he U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, released Fiscal 2018 data regarding participation in all 50 states in the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program. Among other things, the ACF reported the total annual average number of residents of each state who…

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