NILRR Newsclips 12 08 2011

Foundation Client Allegedly Harassed for Criticizing ‘Sour Grapes’ Recall
Movement on Gov. Walker

Fox News 12/06/2011

KRISTI LACROIX, TEACHER: I’m not big on recalls, and I
think that at this point in my opinion, and I’m only speaking from the “I,” it
feels a little like sour grapes. We didn’t get our way so we want to change the

The person I’m going to stand behind and that’s going to
get my vote is the man or the woman who says what they mean and means what they
say. And it’s not about being popular. It’s not about getting the votes. This is
what is right. Scott Walker said from the beginning I’m going to do what is
right for Wisconsin, and he did. He did.

VAN SUSTEREN: Now Kristi LaCroix said there is even an
online campaign to get her fired. Law enforcement says there’s been dangerous
behavior from both sides of the recall effort. Governor Scott Walker joins us.
Good evening, sir.

Labor deal with Boeing mutes NLRB challenge talk

Seattle Post-Intelligencer Online, 12/07/2011

Haley and others fighting the NLRB won little beyond
raising public attention about the federal agency’s powers, said Patrick Semmens,
spokesman for the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation. His group
represents workers at the $750 million North Charleston Boeing plant, whose jobs
building 787 jets were threatened by a lawsuit the NLRB filed earlier this year.

Expectedly, AFSCME Endorses Obama, vows to spend $100 million on 2012 election, 12/06/2011

In 2008, unions spent an estimated $1 billion in both hard
dollar donations, as well as ‘educational outreach’ and GOTV operations. During
the 2008 and 2010 election cycles, according to the National Institute for Labor
Relations Research, unions spent $2.2 billion.

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