UNX-Christeyns Makes Expansion in Right to Work North Carolina

Right to Work North Carolina Economic Update

UNX-Christeyns is investing $10.5 million in order to expand its current location in Right to Work Greenville, North Carolina. As a result, this will create 21 new jobs in Pitt County!

From Area Development Magazine:

“We are immensely grateful for the support from the State of North Carolina. […] In addition to the jobs which will be created, this project allows for a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility which enables our organization to manufacture innovative, sustainable cleaning solutions for the customers we serve.” […]

“This expansion is more proof that North Carolina is indeed the best place to do business. […] UNX-Christeyns is among the 250 chemical manufacturers that call North Carolina home, and this expansion affirms the strength of our infrastructure and workforce, and the low cost of business that have helped the company succeed.” […]

“Our team pursues every avenue to assist local industry with growth plans to ensure they can compete and win. […] We understand that in a global economy, industry location decisions are vital, and we do not take that competition lightly. We are proud that UNX-Christeyns continues to find benefits and advantages to operating right here in Greenville-Pitt County.”


To read the previous economic update on Right to Work states, click here.

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