Newly Weds Foods Relocates to Right to Work Tennessee

Right to Work Tennessee Economic Update

Newly Weds Foods has chosen to relocate its operations to Right to Work Cleveland, Tennessee! In addition, they will also expand here and create 40 new jobs. All of this is made possible thanks to a $2 million investment toward the project.

From Area Development Magazine:

“Newly Weds Foods is pleased to have the support of the City of Cleveland, Bradley County and the State of Tennessee. From the plant’s groundbreaking to our most recent expansion, Newly Weds Foods is proud to be a part of Southeast Tennessee’s economic growth and development.” […]

“It’s not lost on us that companies can choose anywhere across the nation, but they choose Tennessee. Not only has Newly Weds Foods already put down roots here, but also their success is leading them to expand. I thank all our partners who were involved with this project, and I’m grateful this company made the choice to expand in Bradley County.”


To read the previous economic update on Right to Work states, click here.

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