Raising Cane Plans 520 Jobs in Right to Work Texas

Right to Work Tennessee Economic Update

Raising Cane is planning to create 520 new jobs soon in Right to Work Plano, Texas. This comes as a result of an expansion here, which will also be covered by a $20 million investment.

From Area Development Magazine:

“The expansion into our new office represents the great success we’ve achieved over the past 16 years in Plano and is a nod at all the milestones to come as we continue expanding our crew and opening restaurants around the world. […] The City of Plano has been a great partner for us throughout the years and we’re looking forward to continuing our partnership and support of the community as we open the doors to our new DRSO next year.” […]

“The City of Plano is excited to collaborate with Raising Cane’s on this significant expansion and investment in our community. […] For the past 16 years, Raising Cane’s has been a vital part of Plano’s corporate landscape, greatly enhancing our local economy and creating hundreds of high-wage jobs for our citizens. The company’s commitment to community values is evident in their ongoing contributions and support across North Texas. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Raising Cane’s on their remarkable success and look forward to partnering with them in this exciting next phase of growth in Plano.”


To read the previous economic update on Right to Work states, click here.

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