A.B.5 Policy Rejected by California Voters

A limo driving down the street at night.

This election season has been a stressful one, but tensions aren’t over when it comes to labor relations in California. In a CNS Newspost, Stan Greer discusses the issues that we may now face regarding invasive Forced-Unionism schemes – particularly A.B.5.

From CNS News:

For more than a year now, a popular rebellion has been intensifying against A.B.5, a massive expansion of forced unionism seeking to rob 1.5 million independent contractors in the Golden State of their workplace freedoms. […]

Once it took effect this January, A.B.5 reclassified drivers for ride-share and delivery companies like Uber, Lyft, and DoorDash, as well other independent contractors like truck owner-operators, therapists, artists, musicians, and writers, as “employees” under California law. Big Labor’s obvious goal in lobbying for A.B.5 was to make all such workers vulnerable to union monopoly bargaining, and to being forced to pay union dues, on pain of termination. […]

Rather than submit, the companies, acting with the support of many drivers, resisted. Attorneys representing Uber explained in court filings that it was fundamentally a technology company, not a transportation company, and therefore A.B.5 did not apply to its drivers. This argument was definitively rejected by a state appeals court on Oct. 22, but it bought the companies and drivers who wished to remain independent time to mount a ballot-box challenge to A.B.5.

The challenge — known as Proposition 22 — exempted hundreds of thousands of California drivers for ride-share and delivery companies from A.B.5’s provisions. […]

How will Biden and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi respond to the Prop. 22 outcome, should the former emerge victorious in his campaign for the White House? 

Stan Greer, CNS News
