Congressman Bob Good Revealed NLRB Big Labor Bias 


Chairman Bob Good (Va) said the Biden NLRB unlawfully interfered on behalf of labor union officials undermining employee rights during his opening remarks on June 12, 2024. Good is the Chairman for the Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions Subcommittee in the House.

Congressman Good said Biden’s appointed NLRB Board routinely manipulates and unlawfully interferes in union elections. He described it as “gross mismanagement” regarding union elections undermining the key principles of the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) and the election process.

“The NLRB has made significant strides toward undermining fair union elections. [. . .] It permits unions to demand recognition from employers based on a claim of majority support, thereby bypassing the secret-ballot election process. This decision removes the democratic element of in-person, secret-ballot elections, replacing them with coercive measures that pressure employers into union recognition without proper verification.”

Congressman Bob Good

Statement: Chair Good Delivers Opening Remarks at Hearing on NLRB Overreach and Union Bias
