eHealth Technologies Adds Customer Support Center in Right to Work Virginia


eHealth Technologies Inc has been helping people with medical records since 2016. Now, they are adding a new customer support center in Scott County, Virginia. In order to cover the cost, they are investing a total of $375,000 toward the project. They also plan to create 160 new jobs as well. So this will be a great opportunity for economic growth in the area.

From Area Development Magazine:

“The growth of telehealth during the pandemic has created an increased demand for companies like eHealth Technologies that […] enhance patient care. […]

“Southwest Virginia is proactively working […] to equip the workforce with 21st-century skills[. T]his announcement is a reflection of that progress. We thank eHealth Technologies for creating 160 new jobs in Scott County[. And, we] stand ready to support their success as they work to deliver much-needed services to hospital systems and healthcare organizations across the nation.†[…]

“[We] are committed to providing the infrastructure and workforce to ensure that tech companies like eHealth Technologies can succeed. […]

“This great project is evidence of the growing trend of global businesses diversifying operations in lower-cost regions, and we are confident that [this company] will thrive in Southwest Virginia.â€


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