February 14, 2011 NILRR News Clips

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Unions see threat in dues proposal

Portland Press-Herald Online

“Right-to-work” legislation is being vigorously promoted by groups like the National Right to Work Committee, a nonprofit organization that has been promoting right-to-work legislation in states since 1955.

Greg Mourad, the group’s legislative director, says the measure promotes economic activity.

Right-to-work just wrong for Missouri

Columbia Daily Tribune Online

An out-of-state special interest organization, the National Right to Work Committee, channels millions of dollars to lobby for laws like SB 1 across the country in its drive to stop the ability of workers to join together to bargain with their employers.

The NRTWC also makes outrageous claims related to legislation like SB 1, making it sound as if passing a law to damage unions creates jobs.

USW Members Gearing Up to Fight Numerous State Right-to-Work Measures

Daily Labor Report Online

USW Secretary-Treasurer Stan Johnson told delegates that the public at large thinks that the right-to-work laws are “good,” believing that everyone should have the right to work.

“The general public doesn’t get it,” that the proposed laws “victimize” workers and do not give them a choice at all, he said.

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