Foundation Blasts Biden Labor Department’s Plan to Sneak Union Monopoly Power into Agricultural Sector

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In November 2023, the Biden Department of Labor announced a rule which could upend […] balance and effectively impose on temporary agricultural employees portions of federal labor law that are overwhelmingly favorable to union bosses. […]

The proposed rule would assist union bosses with imposing monopoly bargaining privileges over temporary agricultural workers in the United States, including workers who don’t support a union. Among other things, the rule requires that employers fork over employee contact information at union bosses’ request — regardless of whether the union has any employee support. The proposed rule would also cajole employers into entering into so-called “neutrality agreements” with union bosses. “Neutrality agreements” typically require employers to censor information about the union and provide other aid to union bosses in their efforts to collectivize workers.

The comments cite multiple reasons as to why the Department of Labor lacks the legal authority to implement the proposed rule, such as the fact that Congress expressly excluded agricultural workers from federal labor statutes. […]

“Despite the Department of Labor’s claims, the true underhanded goal of this rule is clear: handing union bosses more power to corral workers into union ranks, while cutting back on workers’ privacy and rights to resist unwanted unionization,” observed National Right to Work Foundation President Mark Mix.


All contents from this article were originally published on the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation Website.

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