Hitachi Automotive Systems America Expands in Right to Work Kentucky


Hitachi Automotive Systems America Inc will soon be expanding their current location in Berea, Kentucky. This expansion will allow them to make electric motors. This is positive news because along with this, they plan to increase their employee number from 20 to 200. That’s a big increase, so something like this is worth pointing out and celebrating! After all, it just goes to show how Right to Work economies breed success.

From Area Development Magazine:

“We are pleased to establish this new business in Berea, where Hitachi Automotive Systems Americas has forged a robust, ongoing relationship with the local community and state officials over the years. […] The new venture is a critical piece in strengthening Hitachi’s foundation in the fast-growing electric vehicle market and supporting the revitalization of the economy in Kentucky through job creation in response to COVID-19.†[…]

“This new venture, along with the jobs and wages it will create, adds true momentum to our economic recovery and points to a bright future as we build a better Kentucky. […] From an automotive workforce and industry perspective, it’s also crucial that Kentucky continues to attract these kinds of forward-looking projects. The auto industry is in a years-long tectonic shift to electric vehicles. Throughout this, we must advance the commonwealth’s role and reputation as a major player in this hugely important economic sector.â€AREA DEVELOPMENT MAGAZINE

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