JKOZ Engineering Chooses Right to Work Virginia Location

Right to Work Virginia Economic Update

JKOZ Engineering has chosen Right to Work Blackstone, Virginia for their new location. In order to do this, the company is investing a total of $3.7 million toward the project. They will also create 45 new jobs!

From Area Development Magazine:

“As we assessed where to relocate and grow JKOZ Engineering, we found the investment in the relationship from the Town of Blackstone and the state partners made our decision to relocate to Virginia an easy one. […] The proximity to our material suppliers, clients, and wonderful community amenities of nearby downtown Blackstone will help us scale our business as we become part of the fabric of the town we’ve grown so fond of.” […]

“We celebrate JKOZ Engineering’s decision to invest in Nottoway County and the Commonwealth of Virginia. […] Virginia is known around the world for its distinguished military presence and is fortunate to have a large population of veterans. This service-disabled veteran-owned business has recognized Virginia for its world-class business climate, premier location, and a place for successful innovation and growth.”


To read the previous economic update on Right to Work states, click here.

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