June 06, 2011 NILRR News Clips

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Boeing’s Charleston Employees Enter the Fight to Save Their Jobs From The Obama

Labor Union Report Online, 6/03/2011

From the designing and donning their own shirts to send a
message (see above and below) to taking up the National Right to Work Legal
Defense Foundation’s offer for free legal help

Now, with the NRTW’s help, Boeing’s South Carolina’s
employees have entered the legal battle by filing a motion to “intervene†in the
legal case between the NLRB, the IAM and Boeing

Three Employees File in Support of Boeing in NLRB Case

Wall Street Journal Online, 6/03/2011

The Boeing employees – Dennis Murray, Cynthia Ramaker and
Meredith Going –are the latest group to come to the company’s defense.
Congressional Republicans and business groups have been saying for weeks that
the complaint is frivolous and could cost jobs and economic growth, both in
South Carolina and elsewhere if other companies choose not to expand for fear of
NLRB interference. The conservative National Right to Work Foundation has
provided free legal assistance to the Boeing employees.

What is the difference between the SEIU & an armed robber?

Redstate. com, 6/05/2011

Even Democratic leaders and the governor’s union backers,
doubting the odds of a tax measure passing at the ballot box, are pushing Brown
to break his pledge and forgo voter input

“Go get a deal done,†said David Kieffer, executive
director of the state council of the influential Service Employees International
Union, in a challenge to Brown and the Legislature. Californians “would vote the
taxes down,†he said, and “they don’t actually need to be involved in this

Wisconsin activists create Walkerville to taunt governor, tout change

CNN.com, 6/05/2011

Eighty years after Hoovervilles sprung up around the
country, and four months after tens of thousands descended on the Wisconsin
state capitol, progressives have a new home in what they’re calling Walkerville.

David Boetcher, one of Walkerville’s coordinators, said the
aim is to recapture the spirit of Hoovervilles, the shanty towns that popped up
and were named to tweak President Herbert Hoover’s perceived inaction in the
Great Depression’s early years. Since Saturday night’s kick-off, about 80 tents
have sprung up in and around State Street in Madison, with a handful of people
sticking it out throughout but mostly fresh rounds of activists rotating through
on a daily basis.

“Just like the original Hoovervilles in the 1930s, we
wanted to create that type of atmosphere without being destructive,” said
Boetcher, a government affairs coordinator for the IBEW union.

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