Michigan – More Right to Work ?

Newly-elected State Representative Gary Glenn is drafting two bills that would extend Right to Work benefits in Michigan.  Mark Tower has the story in M-Live.

Glenn, a first-year lawmaker who represents part of Midland and Bay counties, is drafting two bills that seek to do that.

The first bill would extend Right to Work provisions to public safety personnel, the only group exempted in the 2012 Michigan law that bans a requirement that employees pay union dues as a condition of employment.

The other bill, which would impact even more workers statewide, would ban all public sector unions from representing anyone who is not a dues-paying member of that union.

“It would amend state law for government employee unions and would say that government employee unions can represent only employees who voluntarily join and pay dues,†Glenn said.

He said the bill would impact anyone employed in the public sector, including public school teachers and all state, county and city employees.
