MiTek Chooses Right to Work Florida for Establishment

Right to Work Florida Economic Update

MiTek, a construction technology company, has chosen Right to Work Zephyrhills, Florida for its new location. In order to make this possible, the company is investing as much as $80 million toward the project. And as a result, they will also create 25 new jobs. So this is an exciting economic addition to the area!

From Area Development Magazine:

“We are excited to put down roots in Pasco County and to be part of the ongoing economic development in this area. […] This new location is close to our present-day facilities, which will help us retain our talented team members, while also giving us space to increase capacity for raw materials and finished goods. We have a high concentration of customers in Florida, so this is really a long-term investment in MiTek’s future, our customers, and the Pasco County community.” […]

“I am excited that MiTek chose Pasco County for its Southeast Center of Excellence. […] This is the third Ready Site purchased by a target industry and a great testament to the public/private partnerships we have developed.” […]

“Projects through the Duke Energy Florida Investment Fund and Advancing Sites Fund encourage new development and create economic opportunities to help power the vitality of the communities we serve. […] We’re proud to support the Pasco Economic Development Council, City of Zephyrhills, Pasco Board of County Commissioners and MiTek.”


To read the previous economic update on Right to Work states, click here.

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