Morinaga America Foods Expands in Right to Work North Carolina

Right to Work North Carolina Economic Update

Morinaga America Foods has big plans for Right to Work Mebane, North Carolina! They will be investing a total of $136 million in order to expand here. As a result, they will also create 204 new jobs!

From Area Development Magazine:

“I would like to express my gratitude to the government officials who supported the investment. […] We aim to become a company that continues to grow here in North Carolina.” […]

“We welcome this renewed commitment to our state by Morinaga. […] Companies with direct experience of doing business in our state validate our economic strategies when they review their operations and then decide to expand here. We will continue to strengthen the things companies value, like our workforce training programs, so great expansions like this one will keep happening in North Carolina.” […]

“We are proud that North Carolina continues to have a strong economic relationship with Japan, and that companies like Morinaga employ more than 30,500 North Carolinians every day. […] Morinaga’s expansion underscores the company’s commitment to its customers and that North Carolina has the talented and skilled workforce companies like Morinaga need to grow.”


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