NAGE Union Benefits from Massive Payback


Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick hustled 500 state jobs into the waiting arms of the National Association of Government Employees (NAGE) two weeks before the 2014 elections.  Details are scarce.  Sharman Sacchetti ahs the story on My Fox Boston.

The Patrick administration has released a list of the 500 managerial positions transferred into the state’s public sector union.

Nineteen of the positions are at the Department of Children and Families, and 84 of them work in the Executive Office of Health and Human Services.

Five are located within the Department of Transitional Assistance.  All of those employees are eligible for a 3 percent raise now that they have been reclassified from managerial to rank and file positions in NAGE or the National Association of Government Employees.

The Governor raised eyebrows when he decided to shift those positions into the union, only two weeks before the election.

When Fox 25 political reporter Sharman Sacchetti asked Governor Patrick last month about the 11th hour move, he told her they “they work mainly in transportation agencies.”

He also denied that he was working to shield those employees from being fired.


