NILRR Clips August 8, 2014

National Right to Work Supreme Court Victory Forces SEIU to Abandon Forced Dues Demands in Illinois, Minnesota, & Massachusetts, August 5, 2014

“Thanks to a National Right to Work Foundation-won victory at the U.S. Supreme Court, SEIU bosses across the country are being forced to back down from their forced union dues demands,” stated Mark Mix, president of the National Right to Work Foundation. “SEIU officials are no longer empowered to siphon off money that is designated for low-income and special needs children and adults who receive care at home.”

SEIU begins dropping efforts to force home healthcare workers to pay dues

Fox News, August 6, 2014

“We’re just starting to see the full implication of the Foundation’s win in the Harris case,” Patrick Semmens, vice president of the National Right to Work Foundation. . . “In recent years, Big Labor has increasingly turned to friendly governors whose campaigns they funded to unionize people who aren’t truly government employees so they can skim forced dues from government subsidies. Enforcement of the Harris precedent nationwide will end that.

Why the NLRB is attacking the franchise model

National Review Online, August 4, 2014

Would you like to own a small business someday? If so, sorry – the Service Employees International Union would rather you didn’t. The SEIU has convinced the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) to eviscerate the franchising model that many small-business owners rely on.

Union Violated NLRA for Deficient Beck Procedures, Threatening Discharge, NLRB General Counsel’s Office Concludes, August 3, 2014

The National Labor Relations Board’s General Counsel’s Division of Advice has determined a union violated the National Labor Relations Act by failing to provide to an employee a sufficient “Beck” notice and adequate post-objections disclosures and challenge procedures, and by threatening to discharge the employee for nonpayment of service fees before fulfilling its Beck obligations, according to a newly released Advice Memorandum.

A Crazy California Union Scandal, August 2, 2014

Golden State agriculture workers say the union that was supposed to protect them has bullied them into a terrible contract.

S.C. is Boeing strong

Post and Courier Online, August 4, 2014

And last week, Boeing announced that it will assemble the newest and longest Dreamliner here beginning in 2017. All of them.

California’s local taxpayers are facing new ‘pension’ taxes, August 4, 2014

The city of Stockton is hoping to emerge from bankruptcy without trimming its public employees’ pensions, and it has raised sales taxes to help make that happen. Same thing in once-bankrupt Vallejo, which may indeed go bankrupt a second time. In both cities, public services are terrible. And now cities throughout California’s Inland Empire and low desert are raising taxes to pay for increased public-safety costs, most of which are related to runaway salaries and pension costs.

After Supreme Court ruling, Massachusetts lets child care providers opt out of union dues

Washington Examiner Online, August 6, 2014

State-licensed child care providers in Massachusetts will no longer be required to pay dues to the Service Employees International Union, the latest consequence of the Supreme Court’s Harris v. Quinn decision.

The move suggests that the court’s action, already a severe blow to Illinois public sector unions, is also having a profound national impact on Big Labor as well.

GOP plots offensive on labor

The Hill, August 6, 2014

GOP lawmakers are planning to attack the National Labor Relations Board if they take back the Senate this fall.

Union PAC that spent $22 million in 2012 forms in Maine

Portland Press Herald Online, August 4, 2014

In 2012, Workers Voice spent over $22 million during the congressional and presidential contests. It also spent $6.3 million on independent expenditures, which are election communications that target specific candidates. It has spent $4.7 million so far this year, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.
