NILRR News Clips – June 15, 2012


Right to Work Works!

The New American Online, June 15, 2012

For purposes of this discussion, the definition of the Right to Work principle will be that provided by the National Institute for Labor Relations Research:

Walker will not pursue right-to-work in Wisconsin

Human Events Online, June 15, 2012   

“No, I’m not going to do it,” Walker told Human Events at a press breakfast hosted by the Christian Science Monitor, thus making the strongest statement yet in ruling out a right-to-work law for Wisconsin.


Overwhelming Majority of Pennsylvanians Support Right to Work

Pittsburgh Tribune Online,  June 15, 2012 

Despite historic majorities, the General Assembly and governor have been unwilling to fight for something that 72 percent of Pennsylvanians support, according to a 2011 Manhattan Institute poll. Furthermore, ending forced unionization has clear economic benefits. Almost immediately after passage of right-to-work legislation in Indiana, Caterpillar announced it would add 450 jobs to its factory in that state.

Nonunion Workers in Right to Work Indiana Cause Union Bosses To Hit the Roof, June 15, 2012   

While most members of a local roofing union are on strike, area roofing contractors said Thursday they’re using an all-hands-on-deck approach to help a Hammond-based firm finish one of its important projects.

Wisconsin’s Act 10 Fails To Address All Union Pension And Benefit Challenges

Investor’s Business Daily Online, June 14, 2012

But it wasn’t as big as it should have been because Walker and his allies exempted most police officers and firefighters from the reforms.

. . . leaving cops, firefighters and other categories of public safety workers untouched would indeed leave much of the pension problem unaddressed.

Sherk and Zywicki: Obama’s United Auto Workers Bailout

Wall street Journal Online, June 15, 2012    

The preferential treatment given to the United Auto Workers accounts for the American taxpayers’ entire losses from the bailout. Had the UAW received normal treatment in standard bankruptcy proceedings, the Treasury would have recouped its entire investment. Three irregularities in the bankruptcy case resulted in a windfall to the UAW.

State and Local Governments Outpace Growth of Private Sector, June 11, 2012    

The graph shows that, after 60 years, the private economy is 5 times its 1950 size. But state and local governments are spending almost 13 times as much as they did in 1950. “This is like a household whose income has grown five-fold over a period of time,” Mitchell reports. “That’s great news. But, unfortunately, their spending habits have grown 13-fold. This divergence is unsustainable.”


SEIU Extends Home Health Care Contract On Day Governor Signs Bill Making ‘Dues Skim’ Illegal

Capcon,, June 11, 2012             

The contract extension between the Michigan Quality Community Care Council and the SEIU keeps what is now known as the “home health care dues skim” potentially in place through February 2013. Attorney Gen. Bill Schuette ordered an end to the “skim” last month but the SEIU sued in federal court to keep it alive.
