NILRR Newsclips 01 20 2012

Child-care union vote now faces federal lawsuit, 1/19/2012

A group of 12 child-care providers, aided by the National
Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation, filed suit Thursday in U.S. District
Court in Minneapolis against Gov. Mark Dayton’s executive order authorizing a
union election. The group argues that the order is unconstitutional because it
could ultimately require all providers to be represented by the union, whether
they want to or not.

“In the order, the state is going to designate a
representative of these providers for the purposes of petitioning the state,”
said William Messenger, an attorney for the foundation, based in Springfield,
Va. “It infringes on the freedom of association — the First Amendment protects
to right to associate or not associate.”

Union Bailout Update

LRI Online, 1/19/2012

On January 6 the National Right to Work Foundation filed
the first of what will likely be many legal challenges to the appointments, in a
joint action with the Coalition for a Democratic Workplace and the National
Federation of Independent Business.  (The Foundation has consolidated its legal
challenge of the appointments with its ongoing challenge of the new workplace
posting rules.)

Unions occupy State House

Members fill Representatives Hall to defend bargaining

Concord Monitor Online, 1/20/2012

The House Labor, Industrial and Rehabilitative Services
committee heard testimony on a full day of union-weakening bills inside
Representatives Hall, where firefighters, teachers and other public employees
filled the 400 floor seats after the crowd proved too large for a hearing room
across the street.

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