NILRR Newsclips 02 17 2012

Is “Right to Work” Right for New Hampshire?, 2/16/2012

“¢Stan Greer – The newsletter Editor for the National Right to Work Committee. He also writes and does research for the Right to Work Committee’s educational affiliate, the National Institute for Labor Relations Research.

Obama’s visit to Boeing plant viewed as a ‘victory lap’

Washington Times Online, 2/16/2012

Patrick Semmens, spokesman for the National Right to Work Committee, said people in Charleston, S.C., have a very different view of Mr. Obama’s visit to the unionized plant in Washington state.

“His administration is very much in the bag of organized labor,” Mr. Semmens said.

Madison Politiscope: Santorum on hot seat for pro-union vote

The Cap Times Online, 2/08/2012

Groups, such as the National Right-to-Work Committee, see Gov. Scott Walker’s crackdown on public-sector unions as an important first step in diminishing the influence of organized labor in politics

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