NILRR Newsclips 08 22 2011

Issa Letter Hikes Pressure on NLRB Lawyers, Cites Severe Consequences for

Daily Labor Report Online, 8/19/2011

House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman
Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) warned Solomon in an Aug. 17 letter that failing to
produce the subpoenaed documents may bring severe consequences for NLRB,
Solomon, and agency lawyers working with him.

S.B. 5 Opponents Are ‘No Shows’ At Meeting Called by Ohio’s Governor

Daily Labor Report Online, 8/19/2011

CINCINNATI—Republican state leaders sat alone Aug. 19 at a
Columbus, Ohio, meeting they called to discuss modifying the rollback of
collective bargaining rights for 350,000 Ohio public employees, with opponents
saying no meaningful talks can commence until the law is repealed.

Why Do We Accept Union Violence?

Real Clear, 8/22/2011

Have you seen the recent news about the independent
electrical contractor in Ohio that was shot by a union vandal who was confronted
while spray painting the word “Scab” on his victim’s SUV? Don’t count on reading
about it in the Washington Post or the New York Times. But can you imagine the
press eruption that would follow the shooting of, say, a political campaign
worker by a rival party member spouting vicious slogans?

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