Phoenix Hardwoods to Expand in Right to Work Virginia
Phoenix Hardwoods demand is on the rise, so the company is expanding in Right to Work Floyd, Virginia. As a result, this will create eight new jobs for the area. So this will be great for people looking for new jobs.
From Area Development Magazine:
“As a lifelong conservationist, I’m overwhelmed and elated to receive this AFID grant. [“¦] This will allow Phoenix Hardwoods to expand and continue our work with Virginia’s sustainable natural and human resources, trees, and jobs.” [“¦]
“Phoenix Hardwoods makes such beautiful furniture. [“¦] Each piece displays the essence of the tree, sourced near Floyd, celebrating the Blue Ridge, and made right here at home in Virginia. Our team has worked hard over four years to bring business opportunities across Virginia, and we are working hard until the very end. We’ve pushed to recruit large, global companies to Virginia, attracting more than $80 billion in new investment and 100,000 new jobs, but we get really excited about the small, family-run Virginia companies, like Phoenix Hardwoods.” [“¦]
“As someone who grew-up in the Appalachian woodlands of Craig County, Virginia’s hardwood forests have always held a special place in my heart. I am thrilled that we are able to partner with a community like Floyd County to support a company like Phoenix Hardwoods as both appreciate Virginia’s hardwood resources as much as I do. [“¦] As it is through a deep appreciation of our forests and the beautiful products that come from them, like those created by the artisans of Phoenix Hardwoods, that we are able to grow markets for Virginia’s forest landowners and support sustainable forest management and restoration of our forests.”
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