Process Service Specialists Adds New Location in Right to Work Louisiana

Right to Work Louisiana Economic Update

Process Service Specialists is investing $3.5 million in order to add a new manufacturing location in Right to Work Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana. As a result, they will also create 160 new jobs!

From Area Development Magazine:

“Process Service Specialists is excited about the opportunities in the Lake Charles market. […] We are very appreciative of the support provided by both the State of Louisiana and the Port of Lake Charles in establishing our presence.” […]

“We thank PSS for choosing to build at the Port of Lake Charles, where the creation of high-paying jobs will help support the southwest Louisiana economy. […] This expansion is a powerful illustration of the ripple effect that manufacturing investments have on our state’s economy, resulting in more than 300 additional jobs that support the work being done at this new facility. This project is a win, not only for 160 new PSS employees with the opportunity for ever-growing wages, but for the economic activity that will be stimulated across the city, parish and region.” […]

“The Southwest Louisiana Economic Development Alliance welcomes Process Service Specialists to our area. […] This investment in Southwest Louisiana will further diversify and strengthen our economy. The new employees will have a great impact on our region, and the services they offer will serve clients around the world. It’s another great addition to our industrial sector.”


To read the previous economic update on Right to Work states, click here.

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