Recap: Here’s the Latest on Right to Work Alabama’s Economy!


Because Alabama is a Right to Work state, businesses prefer to invest here. Three examples of this come from Li-Cycle Holdings, REHAU, and Wellborn Cabinet. Li-Cycle is adding a new location soon in Tuscaloosa. Meanwhile, REHAU and Wellborn Cabinet are expanding their current Alabama locations. Altogether, these three companies will create 355 new jobs for the state. So this is great news!

Read on to learn more about each individual investment.

Li-Cycle Holdings:

Li-Cycle Holdings is adding a new location soon in Right to Work Tuscaloosa, Alabama. This will also create 30 new jobs for the area!

“Li-Cycle’s selection of Tuscaloosa for its network of recycling facilities means not only jobs in Alabama, but also a positive for the environment.” […]

“Our new facility in Alabama positions us well to meet the growing demand for lithium-ion battery recycling. […] This facility is essential in filling a recycling gap in the southeastern United States. This project addresses the battery repurposing proposition that must also be a part of the sustainability solution that EVs offer.” […]

“With EV production set to start in Alabama in 2022, Li-Cycle’s Tuscaloosa recycling facility will ensure that Alabama plays another important role in the lifecycle of the batteries powering electric vehicles. […] This project addresses the battery repurposing proposition that must also be a part of the sustainability solution that EVs offer.”



REHAU is investing $50 million in order to expand in Right to Work Cullman, Alabama. This will also create 125 new jobs for the area!

“Twenty-five years ago, REHAU followed Mercedes-Benz AG to the U.S. from the Bavarian town of Rehau to Cullman, Alabama. […] We were one of their earliest partners in launching their first SUV. Now, we are honored and excited that they have placed their faith in us once again to support the launch of their new models.” […]

“ADECA is pleased to have played a role in the success and expansion of the company through infrastructure grants to the city of Cullman. […] We congratulate REHAU not only on 25 years of operation in Cullman but also on its continued success and expansion into new lines, which will create even more jobs.” […]

“REHAU’s growth in Cullman is a tribute to both the company and the Cullman community. […] The plant has not only become an integral part of our community; its success has also played a significant role in making Alabama one of the largest automobile producing states in America.”


Wellborn Cabinet:

Wellborn Cabinet Inc is investing $15 million in order to expand in Right to Work Ashland, Alabama. This will create over 200 new jobs!

“With the help of our local, state, and federal officials along with our local schools, we’ve been blessed with the ability to have this expansion and have the opportunity to add these jobs to our economy.” […]

“Since its founding in Ashland 60 years ago, Wellborn Cabinet has grown to become a central pillar in Clay County’s economy. […] The company’s expansion project will serve to boost its footprint in its hometown while delivering a significant economic impact for the entire region.”


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