Recap: What Developments Are Happening in Right to Work SC?


Despite the turmoil of COVID-19, Right to Work states have been thriving economically. Some companies that are investing in Right to Work South Carolina include XIFIN, Masonite International, and Sterlite Technologies. Altogether, these companies will create 490 new jobs in the state. So this is news worth celebrating!


XIFIN is adding a new location soon in Right to Work Charleston, South Carolina. So this will create 150 new jobs for the area!

“XIFIN’s presence in Berkeley County is reflective of the area’s vibrant IT and healthcare network, including numerous colleges and technical schools, and where IT employment has grown approximately three times the national average in recent years. We’re proud to join a community that has a skilled talent pool, a thriving regional economy and a strong culture.” […]

“The more than 150 new jobs[…] will have a significant impact in Berkeley County and across the state. We couldn’t be more excited to welcome this great company to the Palmetto State and watch them succeed here for a very long time.”


Masonite International:

Masonite International is adding a new location soon in Right to Work Fort Mill, South Carolina. This will also create 220 new jobs for the area!

“We’re excited about this opportunity to better serve our customers by expanding our capacity with an additional facility in the Southeast. The new plant’s location is ideally suited from a logistics standpoint to service some of our strongest markets. Leveraging state-of-the-art equipment and our Mvantage operating system, our Fort Mill facility will be a safe and efficient addition to our manufacturing network.” […]

“South Carolina’s manufacturing sector continues to thrive, attracting businesses like Masonite. I applaud this global company on their investment and look forward to watching them succeed within our borders.”


Sterlite Technologies:

Sterlite Technologies Limited (STL) is adding a new location soon in Right to Work Lugoff, South Carolina with a $23 million investment. this will create 120 new jobs!

“Today we celebrate a terrific win for STL, Kershaw County and the state of South Carolina. We congratulate this great company for their new operations in Kershaw County. This announcement proves that South Carolina is an ideal business destination for companies of all types.” […]

“Today’s world is requiring more and more access to the innovation of technology for daily professional and personal activities. STL’s new facility in Kershaw County will help fulfill growing demands, as well as provide opportunities for local workers to apply their skills and knowledge. We’re excited for STL’s future in the county and celebrate this latest win for our friends in Kershaw.”  


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