Reliance Packaging is Growing in Right to Work North Carolina

Right to Work North Carolina Economic Update

Reliance Packaging is investing $7.4 million in order to expand in Right to Work Aberdeen, North Carolina. As a result, they will create 32 new jobs. So this is great for Moore County!

From Area Development Magazine:

“We are excited about the opportunity to expand our manufacturing facility here in Aberdeen and create jobs in Moore County. […] The new investment will enable the use of Post Consumer Recycle as a major effort to support sustainability within our industry. Reliance Packaging already reprocesses between 10,000 to 20,000 pounds of waste plastic every day and the installation of this new technology and automation will facilitate higher quality products with an eco-friendly solution.” […]

“Not only does Reliance Packaging share our commitment to sustainability, but they also share our commitment to workforce development. […] This company knows that North Carolina is the right partner to help them not only grow but thrive in a demanding industry that requires a skilled talent pipeline, a well-connected infrastructure, and a low-cost to do business.”


To read the previous economic update on Right to Work states, click here.

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