SELEE Corporation Continues Success in Right to Work North Carolina

Right to Work North Carolina Economic Update

SELEE Corporation is expanding in Right to Work Henderson County, North Carolina. As a result, the company is creating 110 new jobs. This comes as a result of a $7 million investment.

From Area Development Magazine:

“The Porvair Board of Directors recognizes SELEE’s Hendersonville location for its continued success and potential growth. Investing in an expansion of this facility will allow us to improve production and retain the over 110 employees here and we are excited to continue giving back to the community that gives so much to us.” […]

“While economic development traditionally gets the most attention when new companies choose to locate in our community, the growth of existing industry has proven to be the backbone of our strong manufacturing community. SELEE is one of over ten existing industries in our community recently choosing to grow here. We are excited about how this expansion bolsters our economy and reflects the resiliency of our community.”


To read the previous economic update on Right to Work states, click here.

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