Fact Sheet: Union Monopoly Bargaining Contracts Hurtful

Union Nonmembers Are’Made Worse Off’ Monopolistic Unionism Hurts Talented Employees Economically, and Top Union Officials Seem Aware of That (Click to download Fact Sheet) By Stan Greer Because the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) empowers union bosses to represent workers who don’t want a union, Big Labor apologists contend, it must also empower union bosses…

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‘Shroom Producers Get 1st Amendment Rights, not U.S. employees

First Amendment Equally Protects Rights of Independent-Minded Workers, Business Owners Dissenting Workers Should Be Free to Refuse to Bankroll ‘Messages . . . Favored by a Majority’ (Download Fact Sheet) Last month, in hismajorityopinion inKnox v. Service Employees International Union Local 1000, U.S. Supreme Court Justice SamAlitoobserved that, invirtuallyall casesconcerningprivate organizations other than labor unions,…

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NILRR News Clips – April 20, 2012

Mark Mix: Union muscling in to O.C. hospital Orange County Register, April 12, 2012 Unknown figures entering your workplace through the back door without identification. Harassing late night phone calls. Strangers blocking your driveway and studying your exact movements. These are not just the tactics of common criminals and thugs; they are also the tactics…

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