Transition From Renter to Homeowner Far Less Difficult in Right to Work States

According to a survey conducted in the 20 largest U.S. housing markets in early 2014, 10% of America’s 42 million would like to buy a home within the next 12 months.  (See the first link below for more information.)  And U.S. Census Bureau (BOC) data have long shown that making the transition from renter to homeowner is far less difficult in Right to Work states than in forced-unionism states.

For example,  the BOC’s tracking of privately-owned, single-unit housing authorizations in the 50 states (see the second link below) shows that there were an average 2.83 permits for construction of privately-owned, single-unit houses per 1000 residents in the 24 Right to Work states last year.  That’s more than double the average of 1.25 per 1000 residents in the 26 forced-unionism states.

The correlation between Right to Work laws prohibiting forced union dues and fees and privately-owned, single-unit housing authorizations is quite robust.  Sixteen of the 18 states with the most authorizations of such housing per capita in 2014 are Right to Work states.  But 16 of the 18 bottom-ranking states lack Right to Work laws.

Of course, housing authorizations are only one of manifold pieces of evidence pointing to higher living standards and faster economic growth in Right to Work states than in forced-unionism states.  Later this month the National Institute for Labor Relations Research will publish the latest update of a fact sheet that provides a short summary of this body of evidence.

In 2014, just 46% of Americans lived in one of the 24 Right to Work states, but 66% of all new single-unit housing authorizations occurred in such states. Image:

4 million renters want to buy. Can they? –
