Where is Fiber Industries Choosing to Expand?


Fiber Industries is expanding soon in Right to Work Darlington, South Carolina. In order to do this, the company is investing over $30 million toward the project. As a result, this will create 50 new jobs for the area. So this is news worth celebrating!

From Area Development Magazine:

“We are excited about the continuing growth of our facility which is now even better positioned to serve the needs of the American textile industry. We also are proud to be part of the wider effort to reshore jobs and bring textile manufacturing back to the USA.” [“¦]

“South Carolina has a long and storied history as a textile manufacturing leader, and this expansion by Fiber Industries builds on that tradition. The expansion of Fiber Industries’ operation is tremendous news for Darlington County, and we look forward to the positive difference that these new jobs will make for our economy and communities.” [“¦]

“Darlington County Council is pleased that Fiber Industries, a production leader in high-quality polyester staple, chose in 2017 to reopen the former Wellman Industries plant located in Darlington, S.C. Their commitment to excellence has allowed them to grow and, to date, create nearly 300 full-time jobs. Fiber Industries’ expansion announcement of more than $30 million and over 50 new jobs is great news. We celebrate their decision to continue to invest in Darlington County. [“¦] We look forward to their continued success.”


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