Where is MEEL Corp Choosing to Relocate to?

MEEL Corp is a food company that focuses specifically on frozen goods. However, they need to relocate somewhere that will give them the most economic benefits. So what better place is there than Right to Work Oxford, North Carolina? In order to make the move, the company is planning a $5.7 million investment toward the new location. This will also create 24 jobs for Granville County. So it’s a win-win situation for everyone!

From Area Development Magazine:

“We’re beyond excited about our move to North Carolina. With the supply chain plagues and labor issues that surfaced after COVID, North Carolina represents an ideal geographical location for us, bringing us closer to our national customers and their delivery points. […] Our company name – MEEL is an assembly of the first letters of our family members, we’re happy to bring our family business to North Carolina, where we will hire new employees and expand our family!†[…]

“We are glad to welcome Meel Corp to North Carolina. […] Our state has the best business climate, the hardest working employees, the agricultural legacy, the central east coast location and the great quality of life that will make this company successful here.†[…]

“North Carolina is a national leader in food and beverage processing. […] Meel’s decision proves that North Carolina has a winning recipe for success, a strong supply chain, transportation infrastructure, and a diverse pipeline of talent that we’re committed to further developing.â€AREA DEVELOPMENT MAGAZINE

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