Where is SES Satellite Company Creating 200 New Jobs?


SES is investing $17 million in order to add a new location in Right to Work Prince William County, Virginia. As a result, this will create 200 new jobs over the next several years. So this is great news that’s worth celebrating! After all, this will be a great boost for the economy.

From Area Development Magazine:

“In consolidating our local SES satellite and network operations and selecting a U.S. hub to house them all, we needed to consider our employees’ commutes, locale of our existing satellite infrastructure investments, and access to a broader engineering talent pool. […]

“We are [glad] that we have landed on the ideal location of Prince William County. This new hub provides SES with the space to continue providing seamless services and aligns with our goal[s]. With more people demanding more connectivity and data services, we will also be looking at engaging top talent across Virginia to grow our technology and global services teams in the coming months and would welcome candidates’ applications from the area.†[…]

“Corporate partners like SES are helping to accelerate Virginia’s economic recovery. We thank the company for creating up to 200 high-quality jobs.†[…]

“The growing presence of SES in Prince William County is an indication that the region and the Commonwealth have the infrastructure, workforce, and strategic access to help technology businesses thrive. […] Northern Virginia is renowned for its world-class technology talent pipeline[…].â€AREA DEVELOPMENT MAGAZINE

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