Where is SP-Teri Relocating Headquarters to?

SP-Teri is a company that produces professional figure skating boots. They are planning to soon relocate headquarters to Right to Work McEwen, Tennessee. In order to cover the cost of the move, they are investing a total of $435,000. In addition, they also plan to create 35 new jobs! So this is exciting news for the area’s economy!

From Area Development Magazine:

“SP-Teri is delighted to be headquartered in McEwen, Tennessee and is looking forward to expanding production in the next few years. The values and hard working ethic we find in our employees here is a large reason why we chose this location. We look forward to developing new boots and new relationships along with a bright future working in Tennessee.†[…]  

“TVA and Meriwether Lewis Electric Cooperative congratulate SP-Teri on its decision to expand operations in Humphreys County. It’s always an exciting day when we can celebrate a company’s commitment to continued growth in the Valley. We are proud to partner with the Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development and the Humphreys County Economic Development Council to support companies, like SP-Teri, to create job opportunities and investment in the region and celebrate this announcement together.†AREA DEVELOPMNENT MAGAZINE

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