NILRR Newsclips 09 30 2011

Noteworthy cases in the United States Supreme Court’s 2011 term, 9/21/2011 The Supreme Court will decide whether a state can require employees to pay union dues used to fund…

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NILRR Newsclips 09 28 2011

ILWU President Surrenders to Police On Charges Related to Violent Demonstration Daily Labor Report Online, 9/27/2011 Demonstrators–many wielding baseball bats or crowbars–forced open locked gates, sabotaged rail cars, dumped grain…

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NILRR Newsclips 09 19 2011

NH Hostile to Freedom? Concord Monitor Online, 9/19/2011 Extreme anti-employee organizations like the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce don’t want workers to…

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NILRR Newsclips 09 16 2011

When Teamsters like Hoffa say, “Take out these SOB’s,” you should worry, 9/16/2011 . . .the National Labor Relations Board required the Teamsters union to post a sign to…

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NILRR Newsclips 09 14 2011

Hatch to NLRB’s Craig Becker: ‘Did you write the SEIU ‘intimidation manual?’ The Daily Caller Online, 9/14/2011 Hatch continued. “The manual even goes so far as to encourage union members…

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NILRR Newsclips 09 12 2011

Union Violence of little interest to media American Thinker Online, 9/09/2011 Over 500 people “storm” private property, break windows and vandalize other property, wield baseball bats and crowbars, make death…

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NILRR Newsclips 09 09 2011

Hundreds of longshoremen storm grain terminal in Washington Los Angeles Times Online, 9/08/2011 Hundreds of angry longshoremen stormed through a grain shipping terminal in Longview, Wash., early Thursday and held…

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NILRR Newsclips 09 07 2011

Labor Day Red Hot Read of the Day, 9/06/2011 Great post at NRO’s The Corner by Mark Mix, President of the National Right to Work Committee and the Right…

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