Many Rank and File Support Sanders

Although many union bosses have already endorsed Hillary Clinton for the 2016 Democratic presidential nominee. Luciana Lopez interviews union members who do not support Hillary Clinton, but whose dues dollars will go to support her campaign regardless of their wishes.With a Right to Work law in place, workers can resign their membership and make political…

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Union Bosses Smear Teachers

Union bosses are demonizing one of their own who has dared to disagree with their policies. Faced with losing billions of dollars at a critical time, union officials, from the AFL_CIO to teacher union officials themselves, all are desperate to keep their forced-dues windfall operating. Friedrichs v. CTA, a case currently before the Supreme Court,…

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NILRR Right to Work Clipsheet November 27, 2015

  Group hits labor unions as VW Chattanooga vote nears Chattanooga Times Free Press Online, November 23, 2015 The National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation, in a letter to U.S. Labor Secretary Thomas E. Perez, said his department is ignoring IG Metall’s failure to file federal disclosure papers. Union bosses smear teachers in Supreme…

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Missouri’s poor economy Could Bring Right to Work Law

Missouri’s lack of economic vigor and the passage of a Right to Work law twice in the past 2 years could make the probability of passage next year even greater. Jacob Bogage has the story in The Washington Post. First the General Motors assembly plant in Hazelwood, a St. Louis exurb, closed in 2006. The…

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Who Does UAW Speak for?

The United Auto Workers union bosses find themselves unable to control the rank and file members for many reasons, one of which is Michigan’s Right to Work Law.With workers having a choice about union membership, many are choosing to refrain, and the UAW is having difficulties meeting its annual budget. Joann Muller has the story…

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To Maintain ‘Peace,’ Schools Must Extract Forced Union Fees From Teachers Who Are Harmed by Big Labor ‘Representation’?

In upholding the constitutionality of Big Labor-public employer pacts to fire government employees who refuse to pay fees to a union they would never voluntarily join 38 years ago, the late U.S. Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart admitted that such coercion “may well” be thought to “interfere” with dissenting employees’ First Amendment rights. Stewart then…

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60% of West Virginians Support Right to Work

Union bosses in West Virginia are running scared as a public opinion poll shows 60% of West Virginians support a Right To Work law for the Mountain State. A Right To Work lawfor West Virginia would realize the state’s motto, “Montani Semper Liberi,” or “Mountaineers are Always Free.” Jason Hart has the story To…

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Right to Work Clipsheet November 20, 2015

Friedrichs Amicus Brief: National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation, November 18, 2015 “This point is dispositive,” the foundation claims, because “Abood’s ‘free rider’ rationale is predicated on the opposite presumption: that exclusivity is a burden imposed on unions that impedes their ability to recruit members. This supposition turns reality on its head. Far…

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The ‘Facile Generalization That There Is No Constitutionally Protected Right to Public Employment Is to Obscure the Issue’

In their November 6 merits brief in Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association (accessible at the first link below), a team of government union lawyers led by David Frederick of the Inside-the-D.C. Beltway firm of Kellogg, Huber, Hansen, Todd, Evans & Figel make extraordinary explicit and implicit claims regarding how much power over individual educators state…

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NILRR Right to Work Clipsheet November 13, 2015

UMWA endorses Jim Justice for governor WV Metro News, November 12, 2015 When asked about how he would handle a right-to-work bill as governor, Justice said he would veto it. Why bond-buyers prefer red states Your Daily Journal Online, November 12, 2015 States with strong public-employee unions – which they measured with membership rates, collective-bargaining…

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