Cleveland-Cliffs Creates 600 New Jobs With Right to Work West Virginia Reopening

Right to Work West Virginia Economic Update

Cleveland-Cliffs, a steel manufacturing company, is now reopening its operations in Right to Work Weirton, West Virginia. This will be covered by a $150 million investment and will also create 600 new jobs!

From Area Development Magazine:

“Distribution transformers are critical to the maintenance, expansion, and decarbonization of America’s electric grid. […] These transformers are in short supply, and that shortage stifles economic growth across the country. Our vision for Weirton is to develop a center of excellence for transformer manufacturing that will provide good-paying, middle-class jobs to skilled Steelworkers and service our country’s electrical infrastructure needs. The former Weirton site offers significant growth opportunity, with the needed infrastructure and a world-class, highly-trained workforce ready to be deployed. We thank Governor Justice for helping to advance this critical project and the Governor’s West Virginia Department of Economic Development for extending a forgivable loan of $50 million in support of our investment. I would also like to express appreciation to our Weirton host community and numerous elected officials from the region for their ongoing support of Cleveland-Cliffs.” […]

“Today is a monumental day for Weirton and the Northern Panhandle. We were never going to sit on the sidelines and watch these jobs disappear. […] After we announced the closure of the facility in February, we immediately mobilized an Economic Development Task Force and a Workforce WV Quick Response Team to support those affected. Now, just a few months later, we’ve forged a new deal that positions West Virginia at the forefront of strengthening our nation’s grid. I extend my deepest appreciation to Lourenco Goncalves and the entire Cleveland-Cliffs team for ensuring the continuation of this operation, which will bring 600 jobs back to the area. We turned a really tough situation into a great outcome, and I’m proud to say this is how we do things in West Virginia.”


To read the previous economic update on Right to Work states, click here.

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