IATSE Union Boss Tina Metrolis Busted for Embezzlement
It appears that IATSE union boss Tina Metrolis has embezzled over $25k from union funds. At least, that’s what the investigation indicates. What a shame.
From the Department of Labor:
On September 28, 2022, in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, Tina Metrolis, former office manager for International Association of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) Local 6 (located in St. Louis, Mo.), was charged in a criminal information with one count of embezzlement of union funds in the amount of $25,946. The charge follows an investigation by the OLMS Denver-St. Louis District Office.
To read more, please visit the DOL site here.
To stay up to date on Criminal Union Corruption, check out our 2022 U.S. DOL Criminal LMRDA Enforcement Actions page here.
And to see the previous union corruption case, go here.