July 11, 2011 NILRR News Clips

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Some union members pleased with Walker’s changes

Wisconsin Report Online, 7/11/2011

Kristi Lacroix is a Kenosha teacher who has been openly
critical of her union for years. Recently, with the help of the National Right
to Work Legal Foundation and other conservative groups, she filed a brief in
federal court supporting the Wisconsin labor law against a union lawsuit.

Lacroix said she was nervous, but nobody gave her a hard
time. She remains friends with her local union president and said she thinks
Mary Bell, president of the Wisconsin Education Association Council, is

Teachers unions visit homes for dues option

The Journal Times Online, 7/11/2011

RACINE COUNTY — Racine County teachers may have union
representatives show up on their doorsteps this summer.

Area teachers’ unions no longer able to automatically
deduct dues from teachers’ paychecks because of the state’s new budget repair
law are using a variety of methods including home visits to sign up members to
voluntarily pay dues.

The dues collection change impacts 10 of the 13 public
school districts in Racine County because those 10 now have expired teachers’
contracts; Racine Unified, Raymond and Dover have contracts until at least 2012.

Burton: Did Obama Auto Czar Do It “All for the Unions”?

Oversight and Reform Committee, 7/07/2011

Rep. Dan Burton (R-IN) questions Mr. Ron Bloom, former
Senior Advisor to the Secretary of the Treasury, on whether Mr. Bloom had said
at a farewell dinner of the Auto Task Force in late July 2009, “I did this all
for the unions.” Mr. Bloom denied the quote, but two independent sources have
documented Mr. Bloom saying those words.

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