July 27, 2011 NILRR News Clips

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Right-to-Work Backers, Foes Watch Governor for Signals

WIBC.com Indiana News Online, 7/26/2011

For the first time, the Daniels Administration is lending
its support to a “right to work” law — but the governor says he hasn’t yet
decided whether to push for the law in next year’s legislature.

Union on Union Violence Shuts Down Port Terminal

LRI Online, 7/26/2011

100 protestors from the International Longshore and
Warehouse Union Local 21 blocked the gates to the terminal on Friday.

NLRB Rebuffs Issa Demand for Boeing Documents. Subpoenas Next?

Wall Street Journal Online, 7/27/2011

 The NLRB missed Mr. Issa’s 5 p.m. Tuesday (July 26)
deadline and instead sent a letter asking him to agree to gain access to
documents only as they become available to the parties in the case.

The President’s Job Killers

Forbes Online, 7/26/2011

Many critics, myself included, have called Barack Obama the
most anti-business president in modern history, but he doesn’t do all the
anti-business things himself.  He has “minions†called czars, cabinet
secretaries and commissioners to do his dirty work.

Wisconsin labor union reform: saving jobs, money, schools

Redstate.com, 7/26/2011

There is a striking (if you’ll pardon the pun) dichotomy
taking shape in the Wisconsin public school system right now, and it’s one that
should hardly be surprising to anybody who was paying attention to this spring’s
labor union reform struggles.

Obama’s Favorite Union Heavies

American Spectator Online, 7/26/2011

Over the last decade, aggressive campaigns against
employers have enabled the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) to grow
into one of the country’s biggest labor organizations. Now, its campaign manual
— which the union recently had to file during discovery in a federal court
proceeding — offers an unprecedented glimpse of how the union operates. It’s
not a pretty picture.

Boeing asks NLRB to conduct some hearings in private

Seattle Times Online, 7/26/2011

The company also seeks to withhold information from the
union that might give it “an unfair advantage in future negotiations with

Schaitberger Brings his Message about Attacks on Workers to Capitol Hill

IAFF Frontline  Blog, 7/26/2011

General President Harold Schaitberger today joined members
of Congress to outline the attacks that extremist lawmakers have waged this year
against workers across the nation.

Softer Approach on Pension Problems

Wall Street Journal Online, 7/25/2011

Rhode Island pensions are so generous that thousands of
retirees now collect more than they ever received while working. The system’s
current assets cover just 48% of future obligations to workers, one of the
nation’s lowest funding levels.

Unions Turning to Telephone Town Halls To Communicate With Numerous Members

Daily Labor Report Online, 7/22/2011

Unions are using the meetings for outreach, getting members
to volunteer for an activity, or for union officials to gauge what members are
thinking, according to Curt Cerveny, director of sales for Telephone Town Hall
in Golden, Colo. Many calls are made to “rally the troops,†he said.

A number of unions have used telephone town halls to
communicate with their members about contract negotiations, according to Marty
Stone, co-founder of Stones’ Phones in Washington, D.C.

This is a “great way to reach out†and get members’
opinions as contract negotiations are going on, Stone said. “Only so many
members can attend a meeting in person,†and conference calls are limited to 300
or 400 people, but this technology allows the union to call hundreds, thousands,
or even tens of thousands of members at one time, he said.

Bill Curbing NLRB Power Nears House Action As Democrats Allege ‘Rush’ to Protect

Daily Labor Report Online, 7/26/2011

The House Education and the Workforce Committee July 21
voted 23-16 along party lines to send the bill to the full House (140 DLR AA-1,
7/21/11), with the Republican-majority committee concluding in a July 25 report
on the bill that it “seeks to strengthen the United States workforce and reduce
uncertainty by ensuring foreign and domestic employers are free to invest in our
economy and create jobs, without fear of a government board dictating where they
can and cannot locate work.â€

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