Microsoft Data Center is Coming to Right to Work Wisconsin

Right to Work Wisconsin Economic Update

Microsoft is making a major investment in Right to Work Mount Pleasant, Wisconsin in order to establish a new data center here. That investment comes to a total of $3.3 billion. So this is exciting news for the area’s economy!

From Area Development Magazine:

“Wisconsin has a rich and storied legacy of innovation and ingenuity in manufacturing. […] We will use the power of AI to help advance the next generation of manufacturing companies, skills and jobs in Wisconsin and across the country. This is what a big company can do to build a strong foundation for every medium, small and start-up company and non-profit everywhere.” […]

“Microsoft’s willingness to invest not just in its datacenter but in businesses throughout our state is a win for the people of Wisconsin. […] This was clearly an all-hands moment. But when the call came, we did what we do best in Wisconsin—we pulled together because we all saw the incredible opportunity in front of us, and we all wanted to make it happen.”


To read the previous economic update on Right to Work states, click here.

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