NILRR Weekly Clips May 3, 2013, April 27th, 2013
While the importance of and need for an Ohio Right to Work law are now being recognized by more and more citizens, grass-roots proponents have yet to agree about what is the most promising approach for reaching their objective. Nevertheless, Big Labor is getting worried that the Buckeye State could become the 25th to prohibit the firing of employees for refusal to pay dues or fees to an unwanted union.
Can a Faithful Catholic Belong to a Union?, April 29, 2013.
Few Democratic Party constituencies were quicker and more vociferous than the union brass in commending President Barack Obama’s announcement on May 9, 2012, endorsing state court decisions and statutes that change the traditional definition of marriage by formally instituting
‘Step-Skipping’ at the Big Labor-Funded Economic Policy Institute, April 28, 2013
In economics, controlled experiments are nearly always impractical. Observations have to made in the real world, rather than under laboratory conditions.
Wage freeze for teachers starting to melt
Wasau Daily Herald, April 27, 2013
It’s all part of the post-Act 10 world that has turned the once predictable patterns of … Act 10, passed in 2011, is a state law that limits the abilities of most public …
Obama administration asks Supreme Court to reverse ruling on president’s recess appointments
The Washington Post, April 25, 2013
The Obama administration on Thursday urged the Supreme Court to overturn a lower court decision that found the president’s recess appointments to a labor agency unconstitutional.
Boyd Says Allowing UAW At Chattanooga VW Plant Would Be “Like A Cancer” On County Economic Growth, May 1, 2013
County Commissioner Tim Boyd said Thursday that allowing the United Auto Workers (UAW) into the Chattanooga Volkswagen plant would be “like a cancer on economic growth in Hamilton County.”
Police probe looks at whether ex-Auburn Teachers Association president had help taking union funds
The Citizen, April 25, 2013
The Auburn Police Department is working to determine whether anyone helped the former president of the Auburn Teachers Association steal at least $800,000 in union funds, the officer leading the investigation said Thursday.
Strongsville Teachers are ‘Being Duped’ By their Union, Parent Group Says
By Debbie Palmer,, April 25, 2013
An anti-strike group called Strongsville Community Action Committee claimed Thursday that the Strongsville teachers’ union is following a national negotiating strategy that seeks to deceive its own members.
How Unions Are Getting Their Groove Back
American Prospect, April 25, 2013
In Chicago’s streets, in New Mexico, and at Wal-Marts around the nation yesterday, workers demanded a better deal–but not (for now) through contracts.
Labor clashes likely to follow return of Twinkies
Washington Examiner, April 29, 2013
Chief Executive C. Dean Metropoulos said the company will pump $60 million in capital investments into the plants between now and September and aims to hire at least 1,500 workers. But they won’t be represented by unions, including the one whose nationwide strike sparked the 86-year-old company’s decision to shut down in November.
“We do not expect to be involved in the union going forward,” Mr. Metropoulos said in an interview Wednesday.
Kansas Law Lets Teachers Choose Political Donations, April 30, 2013
Employees in right-to-work states cannot be forced to join or financially support a labor organization. Under the new law, Kansas unions also must obtain funds designated for political activities by asking members directly.
4 proposed labor deals deflate Milwaukee County Board’s no-talks …
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel-April 29, 2013
“The terms of these agreements appear to violate Act 10.” Dimitrijevic reached the same … Act 10 is the state law proposed by Gov. Scott Walker that severely …
State Debate: Don’t hurt UW out of anger, pleads the Appleton Post …
The Cap, April 29, 2013
Scott Walker’s Act 10, which essentially eliminated public employee … It means Act 10 will undoubtedly be declared constitutional, as it should be, the sometime …
Twinkies’ revenge
The Washington Times, April 30, 2013
The ding dongs at Big Labor who refused to make concessions when Hostess Brands, the makers of Twinkies, Drake’s Cakes and Wonder Bread, faced imminent bankruptcy, now find themselves frozen out of the newly constituted company.
GOP legislators plan right-to-work bills
Columbus Dispatch Online, May 1, 2013
Rekindling the raw emotion of Senate Bill 5 from 2011, two House Republicans plan to introduce bills today that would “eliminate compulsory unionism in Ohio.”
GOP puts ‘right-to-work’ on agenda, April 30, 2013
The move to introduce right-to-work legislation, which bans mandatory union membership and dues, comes less than two years after Republicans tried and failed to ban collective bargaining by public employees.
Transparent Nevada: Nevada’s Collective Bargaining Laws Enable Government Employees to Live High at Taxpayers’ Expense, May 1 2013
Excess compensation isn’t just limited to agency directors in local governments, however. Ninety-one employees in the Clark County fire department made over $200,000, with three fire battalion chiefs each cashing in for over $249,000 in total compensation – with every dime, of course, coming from taxpayers.
UNO charter teachers vote to unionize
Chicago Sun-Times, May 1, 2013
More than 400 teachers and staff at UNO’s 13 schools decided to join the Chicago Alliance of Charter School Teachers and Staff, known as Chicago ACTS, more than doubling its membership in a move national labor leaders hailed as key to their efforts to unionize charter schools.
Teachers Unions Say They’re Ready to Fight “Right to Work” Bills, May 2, 2013
Teacher Union President now speaking for all the people. Hmmm…
“The people have already spoken during the Senate Bill 5 campaign so it’s unfortunate that we have to go through this battle again,” says Ohio Federation of Teachers President Melissa Cropper.