NILRR Weekly News Clips May 24, 2013
Tennessee helps lead resurgence in U.S. manufacturing jobs, May 23, 2013
Tennessee was among the leaders in U.S. manufacturing resurgence during the first quarter of 2013, with a nearly 5 percent gain in jobs over the same period last year, according to a report from IHS Global Insight.
Left Blames NLRB Delays For Teamster Rep Losing Home Without Asking: Where Was His Union?
Labor Union Report Online, May 23, 2013
Now that Barack Obama’s union appointees at National Labor Relations Board have been found to be unconstitutionally appointed by two Circuit Courts of Appeal, union bosses are apoplectic at the possibility that the NLRB will be effectively shut down in August when union attorney Mark Pearce’s term as Chairman of the NLRB expires.
Noel Canning Recess-Appointments Case: Battle Is Joined
The Volokh Conspiracy, May 23, 2013
Respondent in NLRB v. Noel Canning, 12-1281, the case seeking review of the D.C. Circuit’s judgment invalidating the President’s recess appointments of several NLRB members, has filed its brief respecting certiorari–five days early, no less, probably to ensure the Court has time to consider the case before leaving for summer recess. As anticipated, respondent does not oppose certiorari, noting the case “presents a constitutional question of extreme importance” (Noel Canning Br. 9) that warrants Supreme Court review. That position is not a surprise: The Noel Canning case was brought by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which has an interest in not simply preserving its victory in the D.C. Circuit, but in achieving definitive nationwide resolution.
Federally funded front group misleads IRS, taxpayers, lawmakers
The Hill’s Congress Blog, May 23, 2013
It’s a stunning admission: the Internal Revenue Service targeted conservative groups for special scrutiny in the run-up to the 2012 election. But equally stunning is who the IRS wasn’t targeting: a federally funded labor union front group that was boasting publicly of its lobbying activities while failing to report them to the IRS’s bookkeepers.
House Panel Backs Greater Oversight of Union Workers with Federal Salaries
Government Executive, May 22, 2013
A bill to require more transparency in the practice of “official time” — when public sector union officials receive taxpayer funded salaries and work in government offices — cleared a House oversight committee Wednesday.
Labor Union Rage Over Obamacare: ‘Untruth’ Out of What He Said, May 24, 2013
When President Barack Obama pushed his healthcare overhaul plan through Congress, he counted labor unions among his strongest supporters.
But some unions leaders have grown frustrated and angry about what they say are unexpected consequences of the new law – problems that they say could jeopardize the health benefits offered to millions of their members.
Police union says Dem proposal on collective bargaining is retaliation, May 23, 2013
That’s how Jim Palmer, executive director of the Wisconsin Professional Police Association sums up a proposal that would bring cops and firefighters under the provisions of Wisconsin collective bargaining reforms – the same requirements by which their public sector brethren are bound.
Texas, Red States Beat Blue States On Jobs, Growth
Investor’s Business Daily, May 23, 2013
Texas outperformed every other state in the nation on jobs and growth over the past decade, according to the latest annual report on state economic performance released Thursday by the American Legislative Exchange Council. Michigan came in dead last.
Union head: Obamacare will undermine our member’s insurance
Washington, May 21, 2013
Joseph Hansen, president of the 1.3 million member United food and Commercial Workers, has an op-ed up in the Hill today in which he pleads with the White House to alter the Affordable Care Act – aka Obamacare – to keep it from undermining UFCW members’ insurance.
Progress in the Parish: Why Jefferson Schools Should Reject Collective Bargaining
Pelican Post, May 20, 2013
On Tuesday the Jefferson Parish School Board will meet to consider approving a collective bargaining agreement (CBA) with the Jefferson Federation of Teachers (JFT). The board elected not to renew the CBA last year, opting for individual contracts with teachers.
The AFL-CIO’s Embedded Reporters, May 20, 2013
Did you know that some of the reporters who have covered things like Act 10 and the Palermo’s labor dispute are, themselves, union activists?
Brian Fraley takes on the Journal Sentinel’s policy of letting the AFL-CIO’s embedded reporters cover labor-management issues., May 20, 2013
The IRS may be “an independent enforcement agency with only two political appointees,” in the words of White House press secretary Jay Carney, but its employees are represented by a powerful, deeply partisan union whose boss has publicly disparaged the Tea Party and criticized the Republican party for having ties to it.
Unions’ Candidate Loses Race for LA Mayor
The Corner, May 22, 2013
Los Angeles, America’s second-largest city, elected a liberal Democrat as its new mayor yesterday. But the fact that winner Eric Garcetti was opposed by public-employee unions is a hopeful sign for the city’s future.