Pennsylvania Governor Corbett Avoids Union Boss Battle

Unlike Wisconsin Governor Walker, and Ohio Governor John Kasich, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett has done little to alleviate the crushing taxpayer burden of government employee monopoly bargaining.

Mike Wereschagin questions Pennsylvania Governor Corbett’s capitulation to union bosses in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. Considering the state of Pennsyvania’s economy and the growth of government employee unions in the Commonwealth, the governor has avoided takingsubstantial steps to curb monopoly bargaining despite its enormous cost to Pennsylvania taxpayers.

“Gov. Corbett doesn’t believe you have to have a confrontational approach or posture with public-sector unions. It can be win-win,” Corbett spokesman Kevin Harley said.

“The governor lives in the real world,” Harley said. “That (confrontational approach) may be nice in a think-tank white paper, but in reality, these are people we work with every day. They’re the people that get you your driver’s license and take care of the roads.”

“The governor never campaigned on taking away their collective bargaining rights,” Harley said. “He believes it is the law and he deals with it.”
